This is best defined by our MISSION:

"Boxmarket is the place where businesses can find everything for packaging and storage."

We are a dynamic team of passionate people creating a modern European online platform, for whom the primary goal is customer satisfaction with the shipment received.

We analyze the market in detail and get our inspiration by listening to people. This is what allows us to effectively solve our customers' problems.

We pay great attention to the quality of the products we offer. At the same time, we are flexible in the area of meeting the expectations of Contractors. We are constantly expanding our product portfolio and opening new markets.

What distinguishes us

  • Wide range of products: you can buy different types of packaging from as little as 10 pieces up to and including whole pallets.
  • Individual approach: only with us you can order small quantities of cartons with your own design. At BOXMARKET we realize such orders from as little as 50 pieces!
  • The on-time delivery ratio is close to 100%!
  • Personalization and branding is a "piece of cake" for us
  • Our portfolio consists of more than 30 precisely selected suppliers
  • Boxmarket is an experienced team of more than a dozen industry specialists.
  • We offer additional and individual benefits for regular customers.

BOXMARKET in numbers:

Wielkość magazynu > 650 miejsc paletowych
Warehouse size > 650 pallet spaces
Obsługujemy 24 kraje
We serve 24 countries
Dzienna sprzedaż nawet 50 000 opakowań
Daily sales of up to 50,000 packages
Ponad 20 000 klientów
More than 20,000 customers

The values that guide our work are:


We strive to constantly expand our offerings to provide our customers with state-of-the-art solutions. Our team is constantly improving its qualifications to provide the highest level of service.


We take pride in what we do. We want to share our knowledge and experience. We are committed to providing our clients with access to the best packaging and inspiring ideas for its use.


We rely on modern technologies. By working closely with our suppliers, we are able to introduce innovative solutions that precisely meet the needs of our customers. We take care of the continuous development of sales channels and look for new solutions.


We are a reliable partner you can rely on. We make sure that our products are always of the highest quality and comply with current standards. We leave no question unanswered, and on-time delivery is a priority for us.


We believe that packaging can be both functional and environmentally friendly. That's why we offer a wide range of packaging made of eco-friendly materials. We strive to minimize our carbon footprint based on sustainability.
